10th Indian Young Geotechnical Engineers

Conference (10th IYGEC, 2025)

10th IYGEC 2025

at Indian Institute of Technology Indore



Indian Institute of Technology Indore in association with Indian Geotechnical Society, Ujjain, Indore, Jabalpur, and Bhopal Chapter, extends a hearty invitation to Young Geotechnical Engineers under the age of 35 across the nation. We cordially invite you to participate in the 10th Indian Young Geotechnical Engineers' Conference (10IYGEC, 2025), scheduled to take place at the Indian Institute of Technology Indore from March 13th – 14th, 2025. This conference promises to be a significant platform for networking, knowledge exchange, and professional growth. We eagerly anticipate your valuable presence and contributions to this enriching event.

host-city host-city

Hosted by

In association with

Ujjain Chapter

Ujjain Chapter

Indore Chapter

Indore Chapter

Jabalpur Chapter

Jabalpur Chapter

Bhopal Chapter

Bhopal Chapter